Top 10 Platforms for Edge AI Application Development

Applications of AI

Top 10 Platforms for Edge AI Application Development

Edge AI has emerged as an innovative approach to enhance the performance and capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) applications. By processing data locally on the device rather than relying solely on cloud computing, Edge AI offers a variety of benefits, including reduced latency, enhanced privacy, and increased efficiency. In this article, we discuss the top 10 platforms for developing edge AI applications and provide insight into their capabilities, benefits, and contributions to the growing ecosystem of AI applications.

Introduction to Edge AI

What is Edge AI? AI algorithms It runs on local devices such as smartphones, sensors, and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Unlike traditional AI systems that rely heavily on cloud-based processing, Edge AI performs computations at the edge of the network. This approach not only speeds up data processing, but also enhances data security and reduces reliance on internet connectivity. Developing Edge AI applications is critical for industries where real-time decision-making and data privacy are paramount.

1. NVIDIA Jetson

NVIDIA Jetson Edge AI Applicationsoffers a range of hardware and software solutions tailored for AI and deep learning tasks. They provide high-performance computing capabilities in a compact form factor, making them ideal for robotics, smart city, and healthcare applications. The Jetson family includes various modules such as Jetson Nano, Jetson Xavier NX, and Jetson AGX Xavier, catering to different performance and power requirements.

2. Google Coral

Google Coral already intends to extend AI processing to edge devices. To this end, it offers the Edge TPU, a tensor processing unit for AI inference, as well as system-on-modules such as the Coral Dev Board and USB Accelerators. Tensorflow Lite allows developers to easily deploy models, making the platform suitable for example for environmental monitoring systems, security and retail-based analytics.

3. AWS IoT Greengrass

AWS IoT Greengrass is a technology that extends the capabilities of AWS cloud services to edge devices, allowing them to take local action based on the data they generate. It supports machine learning inference, data processing, and secure communication between devices. Greengrass removes the rigidity of using AWS services and enables flexibility in deploying and managing edge AI applications.

4. Microsoft Azure IoT Edge

Microsoft Azure IoT Edge is a fully managed service that deploys and runs AI to deliver cloud intelligence locally. Azure servicesand apply custom logic directly to IoT devices. It is compatible with Azure Machine Learning for model deployment, and is a great solution for applications that require low latency, such as predictive maintenance and real-time analytics.

5. Edge Impulse

Edge Impulse is a development platform specialized for building embedded systems. Machine Learning ApplicationsIt helps with acquiring data, training models, and even deploying models to edge devices. With a user-friendly interface and the ability to work with a variety of hardware platforms, Edge Impulse is the perfect choice for developers who want to create and publish Edge AI applications efficiently and in a timely manner.

6. Intel OpenVINO

The Intel OpenVINO (Open Visual Inference & Neural Network Optimization) toolkit is designed to accelerate AI workloads across Intel hardware, with a focus on deep learning models and enabling distribution to a wide range of edge devices. Alternatively, OpenVINO's support for computer vision and natural language processing applications means it can also be seen as a versatile tool for potential AI development in key areas such as healthcare, retail, and industrial automation.

7. IBM Edge Applications Manager

IBM Edge Application Manager is a complete package solution for installing and operating AI-based applications for edge devices. The tool is self-managed, allowing users to deploy new versions and updates as soon as they come out. IBM's Edge Cluster Manager platform offers a variety of use case scenarios, including industrial automation, energy management, and remote productivity tools.

8. Sony Splendor

Sony Spresense is a small development board made for edge computing applications. Built with a multi-core microcontroller and supporting multiple AI frameworks, it is ideal for processing audio, performing computer vision operations, and other AI uses. Presence requires very little power, making it ideal for battery-operated devices.

9. Balena

Balena is a powerful solution that eases the process of launching and serving container-based applications on edge devices. It comes with a set of tools to deploy, run and monitor applications at the edge, and can interconnect with many types of hardware. Balena is also important for IoT tasks that depend on scalability, and where reliability is crucial.

10. Siemens MindSphere

Siemens MindSphere is a solution for Industrial IoT as a service that connects products, plants, systems and machines to deliver advanced analytics and AI applications. Siemens MindSphere applications enable the development of edge AI applications in the domain of industrial processes, providing equipment that addresses these needs, allowing data integration, processing and visualization.

Benefits of using the platform for developing edge AI applications

1. Reduced latency: Edge artificial intelligence inventions perform detailed and instantaneous operations in a limited manner, thus reducing decision and output times in case of automated systems.

2. Enhanced Privacy: The shift away from remote cloud data processing and towards devices in local areas is the reason why the Internet will be used less and less to transmit private data. This is a crucial moment for information security.

3. Increased efficiency: Moving tasks to devices at the edge reduces the load on the cloud and allows it to be used to its full potential.

4. Scalability: Edge AI application development abstracts processing from a flexible platform, allowing users to deploy and manage applications across devices and environments.

5. Robust ecosystem: These platforms often integrate with existing cloud services and development tools, streamlining the development process and enabling seamless deployment.


The growth of Edge AI is changing our approach to AI apps, placing intelligence closest to where the data is created. The 10 best platforms for Edge AI development discussed and reviewed in this article offer a wide range of capabilities and leading technology stacks with a variety of features that can be used across a range of applications and industries.

These platforms allow developers to come up with new AI solutions that are simple, fast, and secure. The journey of edge AI development will reveal which companies are taking their mobile app ideas, making them usable at a faster pace, and bringing their mobile app ideas to life.


1. What is Edge AI?

Edge AI refers to the deployment of artificial intelligence algorithms on local devices (such as sensors, smartphones and IoT devices) rather than relying solely on cloud-based computing, which enables faster data processing, increased privacy and reduced latency.

2. Why is Edge AI important?

Edge AI is important because it enables real-time data processing and decision-making, enhances data security by minimizing data transfer to the cloud, and improves the efficiency of AI applications by reducing dependency on cloud infrastructure.

3. What are some common use cases for edge AI applications?

Common use cases for edge AI applications include autonomous vehicles, predictive maintenance, smart cities, healthcare monitoring, industrial automation, and retail analytics.

4. How can a platform for developing edge AI applications help developers?

A platform for developing edge AI applications provides tools and frameworks for acquiring data, training, deploying, and managing models. It streamlines the development process, supports a wide range of hardware, and integrates with existing cloud services, making it easy for developers to create and deploy AI applications.

5. What are the challenges involved in developing edge AI applications?

Challenges associated with developing edge AI applications include ensuring data security and privacy, managing computational resources on edge devices, addressing hardware limitations, and maintaining scalability and reliability in diverse environments.

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