surely Shared data on the most sought-after skills for AI-related jobs in Singapore. Machine Learning (ML) and Python programming, PyTorch, C++, Java.

Calum Pickering“Singapore is rapidly establishing itself as a global leader,” said Indeed APAC senior economist, Gen AI“We are adopting these tools faster than our global peers. As AI becomes more important across industries, the need for these skills is growing. This data helps recruiters target specific skills and helps job seekers stay competitive.”
Required skills
Data reveals that around 61% of generative AI-related job postings in Singapore mention “machine learning,” with around 54% calling for Python skills, which are valued for the flexibility of AI and machine learning.
PyTorch and C++ are high-demand skills mentioned in 24% and 23% of job ads, respectively.
Deep learning (19%) and Programming Language Languages such as Java (18%), C (13%), SQL (12%), Spark (11%) and Linux (10%) are also in-demand skills in Singapore.
AI Careers
According to Indeed data, searches for AI-related jobs increased by nearly 150% from March 2018 to March 2023, indicating that interest in AI is soaring. AI Careers.
The Singapore government plans to invest $1 billion to boost its AI capabilities, aiming to make the country an AI hub.
“Businesses in Singapore are facing a talent shortage due to fierce competition from AI,” Pickering added. “Recruiters need to prioritise hiring talent with AI skills to meet demand and avoid missing out on capitalising on Singapore's AI growth.”