Access help
Institutional access
Access to Oxford Academic content is often provided through institutional subscriptions or purchases. If you are a member of an institution with a valid account, you may be able to access content in one of the following ways:
IP-based access
Access is typically provided to a range of IP addresses through an institution’s network. This authentication is automatic and you cannot sign out of an IP authenticated account.
Sign in through your institution
Select this option to get remote access when you are outside your institution. Shibboleth/Open Athens technology is used to provide a single His sign-on between the institution’s His website and Oxford Academic.
- [機関を通じてサインイン]Click.
- Selecting an institution from the list provided will take you to the institution’s website and sign you in.
- On your institution’s site, use the credentials provided by your institution. Do not use your Oxford Academic personal account.
- After successfully signing in, you will be returned to Oxford Academic.
If your institution is not on the list or you are unable to sign in to your institution’s website, please contact your librarian or administrator.
Sign in with your library card
Please enter your library card number to sign in. If you can’t sign in, please contact a librarian.
Academic member
Society members can access the journal in one of the following ways:
Sign in from social site
Many societies offer single sign-on between the societies website and Oxford Academics. If the sign-in window in your journal says “Sign in from social site”:
- [社会サイトからサインイン]Click.
- On association sites, use the credentials provided by the association. Do not use your Oxford Academic personal account.
- After successfully signing in, you will be returned to Oxford Academic.
If you do not have an Association account or have forgotten your username or password, please contact the Association.
Sign in using your personal account
Some societies use Oxford Academic personal accounts to provide access to their members. refer to the following.
personal account
Personal accounts can be used to receive email alerts, save searches, purchase content, and activate subscriptions.
Some societies use Oxford Academic personal accounts to provide access to their members.
View signed-in accounts
Click your account icon in the upper right to:
- View your signed-in personal account and access account management features.
- View the institutional accounts that are providing access.
Signed in but can’t access content
Oxford Academic has a wide range of products. Your institution’s subscription may not cover the content you are trying to access. If you feel you need access to that content, please contact the librarian.
Institutional account management
Librarians and administrators can also access their institution’s account management from their personal account. Here you’ll find options for viewing and activating subscriptions, managing institution settings and access options, and accessing usage statistics.