Will AI disrupt the video game industry?

AI and ML Jobs

VC Andreessen Horowitz believes video games will be the industry most impacted by generative AI. But they’re not alone, he reports The Economist:
Game interactivity needs to be packed with painstakingly designed content. Think of his 30 square miles of scenery or his 60 hours of music in his recent cowboy adventure, Red Dead Redemption 2. Having an AI assistant mass-produce it can greatly reduce the timescale and budget….

Making games is easier than ever before. Last year, nearly 13,000 titles were published on the gaming platform Steam. This is almost double what it was in 2017. User generated. One game company executive predicts that small businesses will be the first to understand what new genres AI will enable. Last month, Intel executive Raja Koduri left his chipmaker to found an AI gaming startup.

But don’t count big studios. Konvoy’s Josh Chapman, a games-focused VC, said that if he could release six high-quality titles a year instead of two, the nature of a hit-driven business would slowly disappear. said it is possible. A world of more choice also favors those with large marketing budgets. And giant corporations may have better answers to the growing copyright issues surrounding AI. Models with large back catalogs will be better positioned than startups if they need to train generative models on data that developers have the rights to.

Artist Trent Caniuga, who has worked on games like Fortnite, said last month that several clients had renewed their contracts to ban AI-generated art.

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