Video: Lightroom's AI Removal Tool: How to Get the Most Out of It

AI Video & Visuals

The AI ​​Removal tool is one of the headline new features in the latest version of Lightroom, but as you can see in this very helpful video by Anthony Morganti, the tool isn't without its quirks.

The most useful thing about Morghenti's video is how he uses different settings for different corrections.

For example, if you're trying to remove water droplets or dust spots, he suggests turning off Generative AI and Object Recognition, which will make the tool work the same way it did before the update, using pixels from the surrounding area to replace the unwanted spots – this method is still the best option for minor corrections.

The approach changes when it comes to more complex edits, like removing a person from a photo, and this is where AI-powered tools really shine, as they can create replacements that are much more realistic than non-AI options.

One area where AI-powered tools struggle (at least in our experience) is removing human-shaped objects, as they have a habit of replacing human shapes with strange, artificial figures.

Morganti's approach is to overcome this by tweaking the masking technique: by using rectangular masks instead, the AI ​​is encouraged to fill in with more appropriate elements from the background. This technique produces more consistent results and avoids some of the weird displacements that can occur with object-shaped masks.

After all, we are dealing with software that can produce unusual results, so it is important to have an open approach. This video should help you as you approach editing your images.

Cover image: Mike O'Connor

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