Google Lens now supports video search and multimodal AI

AI Video & Visuals

Google assumes that users might use this to ask questions about problems they're having with their cars or get more information about products they see. This is also another way AI will be introduced into his Google products. The company announced this new feature at his I/O developer conference. This year's topic is “AI for everything.”

Video is an inherently multimodal input, and multimodal search is currently a key challenge for Google. For static images, Lens either has to guess what you're asking about the photo, or it has to ask you again to refine your question after processing the image. But for video, all you have to do is point your camera at your car and say, “Why is this hanging from the bottom?” Google has everything it needs to understand and answer your question. Masu. All of this is complex and expensive, but it's perfectly aligned with Google's other AI work.

Liz Reid, Google's head of search, said searching for video still yields relatively normal Google search results. The key is to get you there faster and make it easier to tell Google what you're looking for. “Some of these things are motion in a video, right? You're not just talking about a still image. It's something that's happening and you're thinking about how to represent it.” Dishwasher Suppose it breaks, she says. The lights are flashing, but how do I express which lights are flashing and how often? It's complicated! ” However, with a simple video you can show Google everything you need. You can figure out the model of your dishwasher, which lights are doing what, and what the problem is. Keywords There's no way to do it with .

Lens is an important part of the future of Google Search precisely because of its relevance to Google's AI initiatives. Google is passionate about finding new ways to search, both to make it easier and to give you new reasons to be on Google. “If I was talking to you and you thought you knew everything, how would I ask you a question?” Reid says. In this situation, sending a video seems like a normal and simple thing to do. And as Google continues to improve the way its core product works, the goal seems to be to make it feel less like a computer and more like an all-knowing best friend.

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