After reacting to an AI-generated image depicting him as an Indian groom, Elon Musk again delighted his followers by reacting to another topical image. This time, the AI-generated image shows the billionaire businessman as a baby. Known for his quick wit and sense of humor, Musk responded with a quick wit.
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A baby photo of billionaire businessman Elon Musk has gone viral after being posted by a Twitter user who is not Jerome Powell. “BREAKING: Elon Musk was reportedly working on some anti-aging regimen, but he got out of hand,” the caption read, along with a viral photo. The photo shows baby Elon Musk in a white shirt and brown dungarees.
Check out this AI-generated photo of Elon Musk’s baby.
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After the AI-generated photo went viral, the Twitter CEO responded by writing, “Guys, maybe I took too many.” At the same time, we also added a baby emoji.
See Elon Musk’s response here.
The tweet has garnered millions of views since it was shared, and the number continues to grow. The post also got a lot of reactions from Twitter users.
Here’s how people reacted to Elon Musk’s AI-generated photo:
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A Twitter user wrote, “Oh, how cute.” “Ahaha, it looks like the movie ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’!” A third said, “That’s so cute. Is little Elon up for adoption?” “It’s 2069 now, and this guy is asking if he wants to go to Mars.” Asked. In response, a Twitter user replied, “I say LEAD THE WAY!” The fifth person participated, saying, “Mr. X has a new friend to play with from now on.” “You hit the Benjamin button,” said a sixth person.