Supporting customer-centric AI innovation for business growth

AI For Business

Doug Johnson, vice president of products at Acumatica, emphasizes that leadership needs to support a customer-driven innovation approach: Executives need to set a clear vision, drive a customer-centric culture, and allocate resources to continue serving customer needs.

We have entered a fascinating technology era where exciting new possibilities around artificial intelligence are simultaneously met with concern about unforeseen effects and consequences. And the transformative power of new AI capabilities comes with hype that every new product or feature is the next big AI innovation. In this climate of hype and confusion, the fundamental principle of understanding what customers want and giving them what they need remains critical for IT vendors to achieve lasting success.

Let's be clear: AI is coming. There is a lot of business interest and potential value in enterprises incorporating AI-powered solutions into their operations. Delivering solutions that make smart use of the latest technology and capabilities is fundamental to keeping businesses ahead. Research shows that enterprises are looking to 3 timesOpen a new window