Some time ago, deepfake videos of Rashmika Mandanna, Aalia Bhatt and many other celebrities went viral on the internet, raising huge concerns. Many celebrities have spoken out against this and as it is considered a crime, the police have also arrested the main culprit who made Rashmika's deepfake video.
However, the phenomenon continues to this day, with a deepfake video of Alia Bhatt surfacing online, leaving fans shocked and concerned. This is a “GRWM (Get Ready With me)” video by a user named Sameeksha Avtul. Fans saw it and left comments expressing their concern over the same. One user commented, “I thought it was Alia but after looking closely it wasn't Alia.” Another user commented, “AI is very dangerous.” One person commented, “What the heck? Musk was right. AI is actually winning everything.”
Earlier, a deepfake video of Alia had surfaced online in which her face had been superimposed onto actress Wamiqa Gabi's body.
Aamir Khan's political party propaganda deepfake video also went viral. Khan's office has filed an FIR at Khar Police Station under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), Sections 419 (impersonation), 420 (cheating) and other sections of the Information Technology Act.
However, the phenomenon continues to this day, with a deepfake video of Alia Bhatt surfacing online, leaving fans shocked and concerned. This is a “GRWM (Get Ready With me)” video by a user named Sameeksha Avtul. Fans saw it and left comments expressing their concern over the same. One user commented, “I thought it was Alia but after looking closely it wasn't Alia.” Another user commented, “AI is very dangerous.” One person commented, “What the heck? Musk was right. AI is actually winning everything.”
Earlier, a deepfake video of Alia had surfaced online in which her face had been superimposed onto actress Wamiqa Gabi's body.
Aamir Khan's political party propaganda deepfake video also went viral. Khan's office has filed an FIR at Khar Police Station under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), Sections 419 (impersonation), 420 (cheating) and other sections of the Information Technology Act.
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