Shall we talk about ChatGPT and AI?

AI Basics


Is anyone worried that AI/ChatGPT could ruin the career paths of future lawyers in the same way as those already in practice? done by sensible means. What does that mean for humans? Come on, be surprised. that’s okay. The trend is not encouraging, especially for in-house lawyer generalists. More money will be spent on legal technology in the future.

Dinosaur Lawyers learned the basics of lawyering the hard and tedious way of drafting documents such as Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Incorporation of Organizations, Minutes of First Meetings, First Offerings of Shares, and contracts of all kinds. . Admittedly, this work was often daunting, but I learned how to draft a document, the “boot on the ground” so to speak. For many of us, these times were before Word Perfect, MS Word, and other tools. Imagine. The document had to be retyped from beginning to end. What about junior lawyers who need to learn these basic legal duties that AI can already perform?

The same goes for Shepherdizing. Only the older ones remember dark red volumes with paper appendixes. remember being left on a table in the library to be taken care of by someone in the Before, I had to panic and take a walk around someone’s office.

In some ways technology and artificial intelligence have been a boon to lawyers, but in other ways they leave much to be desired. do you

Joe Patrice asks a related question in his post. “The Legal Profession Has a Long Way Have To Go Before GPT Matches the Talk.” AI and GPT are useful tools, but lawyers use these instead of good old EEGs to get paid to do the work they should be doing. Great care should be taken in relying on the method of

One of Joe’s points was that the AI ​​could only provide a crude first draft that required a huge amount of refinements, rewrites, and fact-checking. Is that first draft faster or more efficient than using the documents you already have and modifying them to fit the situation at hand? But AI lacks the creativity lawyers need. Or is it?

Given that dinosaur lawyers had to kick and scream to abandon dictation devices and learn to use word processors and PDF scanners, I wonder how quickly older lawyers will adapt. increase. But given that most of us dinosaur lawyers have at least put one foot in the retirement/death banana skin and newbies are embracing new technology, it probably doesn’t matter too much.

As Joe puts it, “To build what lawyers actually use, you have to keep professional skeptics in mind.” We depend on these devices to some degree. Laziness can lead to sloppiness.

Yes, I know computerized legal research has been around for decades, but isn’t it as dependent on the keywords you choose to search as it is with eDiscovery? , what if the keyword allows me to get close enough to where I need it, but not close enough? And how will AI advise clients?

A lot of the scutt work that we dinosaurs had to do has been taken away from us. Sometimes that’s good, sometimes it’s not. If we rely too much on machines, what do lawyers need? AI is already being used for dispute resolution.

I hear the smartest people say it’s time to “pause” development. If you’ve seen 2001: A Space Odyssey and remember anything about it, you’ll remember HAL and its ending. Spoiler alert: Not good for humans.

And some peeps aren’t just asking for a “press pause” on AI development. Given that more than half of the people in this country question the value of a college education and many are in huge debt, it’s not worth the money.

And if anyone says that about a bachelor’s degree, what does that say about the even more costly law school education? When do you realize that you want to learn how to and have a career in the legal profession? In many cases, except for students who want to study law, the third year is a waste. When will law schools see online education as a viable option? And not all law schools attended some form of online education during the pandemic. , he may be slow, but he’s not stupid.

We lawyers love to be in control, and that may be one of the reasons many of us became lawyers. But now we have to learn how to share. Sharing with non-sentient entities can be much more difficult than we think. No, ChatGPT didn’t write this column. At least not yet.

Jill Switzer has been an active member of the California Bar Association for over 40 years. She remembers being a lawyer in her milder days, kinder. She has had a varied legal career, including serving as a deputy district attorney, private attorney, and several senior in-house gigs. She now works full-time in mediation, giving her the opportunity to see the interactions between dinosaurs, millennials, and those in between. She can contact her by email.

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