Facebook and Instagram posts claiming that “Zionists” control the world or run the media will be removed under the latest changes to Meta's hate speech policy – Copyright AFP Lionel BONAVENTURE
Rejoice, merry denizens of the cybercaves! A new wave of AI news It's waiting for you! It's like the remains of over-processed dog food that turns into an unidentifiable nasty filth when exposed to oxygen. Its age makes all the difference.
It's almost interesting if you can ignore the fact that most of the crap being published is recycled 1950s science fiction. In reality, it's mainly there to provide an acceptable image of AI to cater to public ignorance and prejudice.
Nevertheless, real news does slip in from time to time. Meta's new open source AI This is news to you. Open source means that there are technical benchmarks. As long-time readers may remember, Open Source It was an example of the democratization of information.
This has not been the case with AI, where the Gollum-like noise of the financial world has hindered and stifled any real objectivity about AI’s societal value.
Who knows. AI may even be useful to humans. Don't hold your breath until you find out.
Democracy is also something people talk about rather than actually act on, so democracy and AI have something in common.
Meta, which has become the default party for conspiracy theories along with the rocks and trees of communism and whatnot, is unlikely to contribute to democracy. What are they up to? Do they want to find your gravel stew recipe? …Or do they just want to create a useful platform?
Probably not. This is where new AI options meet the AI information and culture faucet. In every industry, feeding on speculation and delusion is the norm. Consider the gaming industry. AI is already taking over developers' jobs. It was, and still is, 100% inevitable..
People are crying out about video game overproduction, uniform graphics, and massive issues with development over many years. AI could make game design cost-effective again, freeing up people to design great games again.
What's needed is to re-allocate developers so they can do valuable work without digging ditches. The overall question is spreadsheet-based games vs. games worth playing. AI is the best solution, but not one based on wasting the skills of people who know what they're doing and why they're doing it.
This unpleasant scene applies to other AI roles as well. “Gen AI will come first for remote workers” Case in point: As we all know, remote work, which saves employers thousands of dollars per hour, is now prohibited. As always, the most cost-effective way is to deny it. Deny it in the name of cost-effectiveness. According to this foolish thinking, a problem solved is an old problem recreated.
This pattern continues in the form of AI solving problems that create multiple problems, and it is impressive how many experts are completely unaware of the contradictions in almost everything they say.
If you ask them, “Do you want to make billions of dollars?” the answer is probably “No.” Whatever your issues with AI, remember that your money is at risk of being killed by this strange way of doing business.
This is a culture created by nonsense about AI. The nonsense of business talk has seeped into ignorance about AI. Most people don't even know what AI is or how it was developed, and don't go beyond accepting this nonsense at face value.
Others see it differently, and their skepticism is based on practical considerations: if, like me, you do your own work across a variety of mediums, you might not trust built-in third-party access.
You need to know who or what can get into your work that needs to be private. You don't want to be lenient with what may be valuable IP. To be fair, this issue is at least mentioned by AI platforms. It's not enough. That level of security needs to be something you can trust, not just rhetoric.
Can you provide some solid information on the major issues? Meanwhile, dear “news sources”, Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders are definitely not. The sound of water dripping from a faucet is not very helpful.